(1920-2025) New York VFW Headquarters mission is to support all Veterans and their families as we contribute to our communities all around the Empire State. #stillserving
The Department of New York is now taking orders for the 2025-2025 Commander Shirts. This year you have a choice between a Polo shirt and/or a long sleeve shirt. Orders are due to the Department by Monday April 7, 2025 in order to have your shirt in time for the State Convention in June.
The Department of New York VFW’s website has a new feature - VoterVoice - that will allow our members to stay informed and reach out to their State and Federal representatives to voice their opinions on legislation that will affect veterans. The VoterVoice page can be found under the Resources tab or by clicking the button below.
It's time to start making plans to attend the Department of New York VFW's Spring Conference at the Radisson Hotel in Corning, NY which will take place April 11-13, 2025.
The annual State Commander's "Homeless Veterans" Golf Tournament will take place on May 9th, May 10th and May 16th to help raise funds to combat Homeless Veterans. Enjoy a day of golf and help a fellow veteran who is experiencing homeless.
The 2024-2025 Service Officer Raffle Tickets are now on sale. Total prize money is $10,050.00 with a total of 87 prizes. You can also support our Service Officers by taking out ad in the Service Officer Journal.
The Department of New York VFW has positions open for Veteran Service Officer for the office in New York City. Please click on the link below for the complete job description.
State Commander Dan Kell has just announced a Membership Challenge as part of his Membership Program for this year. The Challenge will benefit Posts and Districts who meet the goal as they help the Department make the 102% membership goal set by National.
Membership is the life blood of the VFW. The goal this year is for each post reach 102% in membership to make the Department and your post stronger. All requirements are outlined in the Commander's 2024-2025 Membership Program booklet.
Welcome to the Department of New York VFW website. We are making great strides to be a support system for Veterans and their families. Keeping our Veterans and members informed is one of our most vital goals.
When we work together, we are strong. Our motto of "No One Does More For Veterans" is more than just a phrase, it is a promise.
Join us as brothers and sisters of America to preserve the rights of veterans and support each other as only those who share in the camaraderie forged by conflict can.
Thank you to the following who support our Veterans. Click on the logo(s) below for more information.