
Voice of Democracy


"How are You Showing Patriotism and Support For Our Country?"
Application Form


Student Entry Deadline: October 31, 2025

Patriotic Audio Essay Competition Grand Prize: $35,000 Award 


Established in 1947, our Voice of Democracy audio-essay program provides high school students with an unique opportunity to express themselves in a democratic and patriotic themed recorded essay. Each year, nearly 80,000 High School students from across the country enter to win their share of more than $2 million in educational scholarships.

Record your original 3-5 minute audio essay on a flash drive or on other electronic device. You will submit the recording, a typed essay and send the completed entry form to your local participating post.

Patriot's Pen


"How are You Showing Patriotism and Support For Our Country"
Application Form


 Student Entry Deadline: October 31, 2025

Patriotic Written Essay Competition Grand Prize: $5,000 Award


Each year, more than 84,000 students participate in the VFW Patriots Pen contest expressing their views on an annual patriotic theme. Students from the 6th, 7th and 8th grade submit an essay 300-400 words in length.  Department (State) winners receive a portion of $55,000 in National awards.

You will submit the typed essay (no colors or graphics) and the completed entry form to your local participating post.